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Does your resume work for you?

My expertise is creating resumes that capture your unique Spirit at work – your contributions, skills and accomplishments. As a Certified Professional Resume Writer who has worked with thousands of clients, I know that people often struggle to identify their accomplishments. Through targeted and sensitive interviewing, I will identify not only your accomplishments but also what stirs your Spirit about work – what fuels your genuine enthusiasm and passion. Capturing and highlighting your Spirit at work will distinguish your resume from your competitors.

I create resumes that:​
  • Capture your unique Spirit and contribution.
  • Deliver an employer-focused, powerful marketing of your skills.
  • Distinguish you from your competition.
  • Strongly position you for the position you are seeking.
  • Generate interviews.
Additionally, I offer:
  • Career coaching for those seeking career direction and assistance.
  • Job search and interviewing coaching for those actively job searching.
  • Corporate outplacement services.
  • Creating a Resume that Works for You! Workshop.

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