About Georgiana

Georgiana Carollus, generic cialis buy a Certified Professional Resume Writer, best viagra doctor is a career services professional with extensive experience in career assessment, career development and advancement, and all aspects of resume writing and effective work search techniques.  She has worked as a Career Counselor in an Illinois state One Stop Career Center, as a career development course Instructor for graduating students at an arts college, and as a Consultant for one of the country’s largest outplacement firms.  A career changer, Georgiana was a professional librarian in public and academic libraries earlier in her career.

Georgiana’s expertise in facilitating client strategies in person and on the telephone has been gained through solid client experience as well as a Masters degree in counseling, with a career counseling focus, and the completion of CoachU’s well respected coach training program

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. She is a member of the Professional Association of Resume Writers.

Georgiana has a keen interest in creativity, intuition and incorporating spiritual values into daily life and work.



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